Hello again everybody! Tiz that time of year again, when we all are supposed to turn into goldfish and eat way more than we should. So, I'm wondering what everyone will be doing for Thanksgiving. Danny, do Jews celebrate Thanksgiving in October like Canadians? Sarah, is there any sort of giant Asian bird that can substitute?
As for me, I'm headin' home to Racine. I'm bringing my little cat, Steve, along. So, most of my time will likely be spent preventing my parents' dog from having a little Thanksgiving feast of his own. When I'm not doing that I'll be dining on stuffing that I will be making myself (gasp!) and a chicken instead of turkey, because I'm just a contrarian that way.
Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving and a delicious start to the holiday season.
I heard somebody on the news the other day talk about a "final solution" to the economic crisis. He paused for a second, because I think he knew what he had inadvertently revealed.
I see... now where is that attic exactly?
Was that a donkey playing the drums that you just pointed to? Oh.... what were we talking about again?
*Attacks Iran without warning or provocation*
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